8. Evaluations#

Every extraction task needs a good way to evaluate whether the extracted data is correct and give it a score of how correct it is. The goal is to quantify the extraction pipeline’s (model’s) performance. With partial scores giving insight on how correct a data point is, usually between 0 and 1, the pipeline can be improved by fixing any edge cases or errors found by comparing lower scored data points.

8.1. Imports#

We import all required libraries at the start here.

import json
from statistics import mean
from pint import UnitRegistry

8.2. Simple example data#

To start of with a simple example, we define a set of key-value pairs as our ground truth and a dummy output from the model as prediction.

truth = {
    "text": "result",
    "correct": "correct",
    "number": 0.45,
    "wrong": 1.023,
    "bool": False,
    "missing": 0,
prediction = {
    "text": "result",
    "correct": "incorrect",
    "number": 0.45,
    "wrong": 1.025,
    "bull": False,

8.3. Scoring a Key-Value pair#

To properly evaluate a structured output from a model, we have to walk through the structure of the ground truth and the output simultaneously. We have to check every value we were expecting the model to return and count how many of these are correct. With the count of the correct keys, we can calculate our metrics:

\[ \mathrm{precision} = \frac{|{\text{relevant entries}} \cap {\text{retrieved entries}}| }{|{\text{retrieved entries}}|} \]
\[ \mathrm{recall} = \frac{|{\text{relevant entries}} \cap {\text{retrieved entries}}| }{|{\text{relevant entries}}|} \]
\[ F_1 = \frac{2}{\mathrm{recall}^{-1} + \mathrm{precision}^{-1}} \]
relevant_entries_intersection_retrieved_entries = []
for t_key in truth:
    if t_key in prediction:
        if truth[t_key] == prediction[t_key]:
recall = len(relevant_entries_intersection_retrieved_entries) / len(truth.keys())
precision = len(relevant_entries_intersection_retrieved_entries) / len(
print(f"Recall: {recall:.2f}\nPrecision: {precision:.2f}")
Recall: 0.33
Precision: 0.40

8.4. Evaluation of results from the choosing a learning paradigm chapter#

Using those scores, we can now revisit the results from our previous experiments in the Choosing a learning paradigm chapter.

8.4.1. Loading the results#

We will use the responses from GPT-4o. We will read the JSON file that has both the predicted structured output and the expected reference ground truth.

with open("../finetune/OpenAI_results.json", "r") as f:
    open_ai_results = json.load(f)
    truths = open_ai_results["1-shot"]["references"]
    predictions = open_ai_results["1-shot"]["predictions"]
    # We convert the output from a JSON str to a dict object
    truths = [json.loads(truth) for truth in truths]
    predictions = [
        json.loads(prediction[prediction.index("{") : prediction.rindex("}") + 1])
        for prediction in predictions

8.4.2. Defining common functions for later use#

def common_items(dict1, dict2):
    """Finds common keys between two dicts and yields if the values are equal."""
    for key in dict1:
        if key in dict2:
            if isinstance(dict1[key], dict) and isinstance(dict2[key], dict):
                for subkey, subvalue in common_items(dict1[key], dict2[key]):
                    yield f"{key}.{subkey}", subvalue
            elif isinstance(dict1[key], list) and isinstance(dict2[key], list):
                for item1 in dict1[key]:
                    for item2 in dict2[key]:
                        if isinstance(item1, dict) and isinstance(item2, dict):
                            for subkey, subvalue in common_items(item1, item2):
                                yield f"{key}.[].{subkey}", subvalue
            elif dict1[key] == dict2[key]:
                yield key, dict1[key]

def count_correct_items(dict1, dict2):
    """Counts the common keys between two dicts and returns the count."""
    return len([correct for correct in common_items(dict1, dict2)])

def count_leaf_keys(d):
    """Counts the number of keys at the deepest levels (leaf) of an arbitrarily nested dict"""
    if isinstance(d, dict):
        count = 0
        for value in d.values():
            count += count_leaf_keys(value)
        return count
    elif isinstance(d, list):
        count = 0
        for item in d:
            count += count_leaf_keys(item)
        return count
        return 1

8.4.3. Evaluation of the results#


The code below assumes that the truths and predictions are already matched. If you run extraction using a model, this is not the case in general.

In this case, you will need to match the ground truth with the prediction. This is explained in a section below.

recalls = []
precisions = []
for i, truth in enumerate(truths):
    prediction = predictions[i]
    num_correct_items = count_correct_items(truth, prediction)
    recalls.append(num_correct_items / count_leaf_keys(truth))
    precisions.append(num_correct_items / count_leaf_keys(prediction))

recall = mean(recalls)
precision = mean(precisions)
print(f"Recall: {recall:.2f}\nPrecision: {precision:.2f}")
Recall: 0.30
Precision: 0.30


The variable truth is the manually curated reference extraction and prediction is what the LLM returns through the pipeline. F1 score#

f1_score = 2 / ((1 / recall) + (1 / precision))
print(f"F1 score: {f1_score:.2f}")
F1 score: 0.30

8.4.4. Matching to ground truth#

If we look at the inputs section of our data, we realize that the evaluation of the extraction can be more complex than one might expect:

  • First, we have to deal with the fact that some values are chemicals. This is problematic as there are typically many equivalent ways of naming the same chemical. In naive socring this will lead to problems. For instance, our ground truth might contain “aspirin” but we extracted “2-acetoxybenzoic acid” (the IUPAC name). A string matching would not identify those two names to be the same – even though they refer to the same chemical.

  • If we extract data, there might be multiple entries that are almost the same. In addition, the model might miss extracting some entries or hallucinate some. For our evaluations, we must decide what to compare (i.e., which extracted entry to compare with which entry from the ground truth). This requires us to match the extracted entry with the ground truth entry.

The code above assumed that truths and predictions are the same length and already such that each item i in truths matches to item i in predictions. As we just described, this is not the case in general, and we have to find the closet extraction for a given element of truths to perform a meaningful evaluation.

In the following, we will do this based on the inputs section of the data. As a first approximation, we will say that a ground truth “matches” an extraction result if it is the most similar from all extraction results. To solve this for all the elements of the extraction, we use the deepdiff library to measure how similar two dictionaries are, and then use the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm to find the optimal assignments between ground truth and extraction.

Note that in practice it is often better to not perform the matching on the entire extracted output but only on what one can define as an “identifier” of an entry. For materials properties that might be a canoncialized representation of the material. For reactions, this might be the canoncialized reaction SMILES with condition information.

from deepdiff import DeepDiff

recalls = []
precisions = []

# Here we use a 2d matrix to store the distance between each ground truth and prediction
# as distance, we use DeepDiff to calculate the distance
scores = []
for i, truth in enumerate(truths):
    scores_ = []
    for prediction in predictions:


The scores matrix is a 2d matrix of size (len(truths), len(predictions)) and tells us how similar each truth is to each prediction.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.matshow(scores, cmap="hot", interpolation="nearest")
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1227ff8e0>

If the items were perfectly matched, we would get a diagonal matrix.

from munkres import Munkres

m = Munkres()  # We will use the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm for our matching
indexes = m.compute(scores)  # We find the best matching scores for each key

The indices returned by the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm tell us the best assignment ground truth and prediction.

[(0, 91),
 (1, 1),
 (2, 2),
 (3, 60),
 (4, 4),
 (5, 5),
 (6, 6),
 (7, 7),
 (8, 8),
 (9, 9),
 (10, 77),
 (11, 11),
 (12, 12),
 (13, 13),
 (14, 66),
 (15, 15),
 (16, 16),
 (17, 17),
 (18, 18),
 (19, 0),
 (20, 20),
 (21, 21),
 (22, 19),
 (23, 23),
 (24, 68),
 (25, 25),
 (26, 47),
 (27, 27),
 (28, 28),
 (29, 29),
 (30, 30),
 (31, 31),
 (32, 24),
 (33, 33),
 (34, 38),
 (35, 35),
 (36, 52),
 (37, 37),
 (38, 34),
 (39, 39),
 (40, 40),
 (41, 41),
 (42, 42),
 (43, 43),
 (44, 44),
 (45, 45),
 (46, 46),
 (47, 36),
 (48, 48),
 (49, 49),
 (50, 50),
 (51, 51),
 (52, 84),
 (53, 53),
 (54, 54),
 (55, 55),
 (56, 56),
 (57, 57),
 (58, 58),
 (59, 59),
 (60, 3),
 (61, 61),
 (62, 22),
 (63, 63),
 (64, 64),
 (65, 65),
 (66, 72),
 (67, 67),
 (68, 14),
 (69, 69),
 (70, 70),
 (71, 71),
 (72, 93),
 (73, 73),
 (74, 74),
 (75, 75),
 (76, 76),
 (77, 10),
 (78, 32),
 (79, 79),
 (80, 80),
 (81, 81),
 (82, 82),
 (83, 83),
 (84, 78),
 (85, 85),
 (86, 86),
 (87, 98),
 (88, 88),
 (89, 89),
 (90, 90),
 (91, 62),
 (92, 92),
 (93, 26),
 (94, 94),
 (95, 95),
 (96, 96),
 (97, 97),
 (98, 87),
 (99, 99)]

With those, we can now recompute the recall and precision.

# Once we have the indexes of the matches, we collect the pairs in one list object
recalls = []
precisions = []

for i, j in indexes:
    truth = truths[i]
    prediction = predictions[j]

    num_correct_items = count_correct_items(truth, prediction)
    recalls.append(num_correct_items / count_leaf_keys(truth))
    precisions.append(num_correct_items / count_leaf_keys(prediction))

recall = mean(recalls)
precision = mean(precisions)
print(f"Recall: {recall:.2f}\nPrecision: {precision:.2f}")
Recall: 0.31
Precision: 0.30

8.4.5. Data normalization#

Sometimes the data you have in the ground truth could be normalized to a certain format. For example, all units could be converted to SI units. The original text might have them in different units. In such a situation, it is essential to convert the prediction from the model to our required units before checking those keys.

Let’s take a truth and prediction consisting of values and units:

truth = {"mass": {"value": 22.0, "unit": "g"}}

prediction = {"mass": {"value": 22000.0, "unit": "mg"}}

Now, we can parse the prediction with pint and normalize the values to SI units.

ureg = UnitRegistry()
text_representation_of_value = (
    str(prediction["mass"]["value"]) + " " + prediction["mass"]["unit"]
print("Converting", text_representation_of_value)
normalized_pint_quantity = ureg(text_representation_of_value).to("g")
print("to", normalized_pint_quantity)
Converting 22000.0 mg
to 22.0 gram

Now we can check the magnitudes of our truth value and our normalized predicted value.

if truth["mass"]["value"] == normalized_pint_quantity.magnitude:
    print("Predicted value is correct.")
Predicted value is correct. Chemically informed normalization#

When we extract chemical or materials science data, the entities can often be representation in many equivalent forms. To address this, one most normalized the representations prior to performing any evaluation. Organics#

When we are trying to extract chemical formulas (as the reagents in our example), they could be reported in various forms. To make sure we got the expected value regardless of what form it’s represented in, we can convert them to their SMILES representation. This is important to make sure we have the right information and not score incorrectly.

Here, we set up example extractions from a model and show how to get their SMILES before validation. Note that this is essential because a string distance (that we used above) between common names and SMILES would make no sense. Here we must normalize the entries before we can compute any meaningful score.

from matextract.utils import name_to_smiles
from rdkit import Chem

def canonical_smiles(smiles):
    return Chem.MolToSmiles(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles))

truth = {"solvents": ["CCCO", "CC(C)O", "CC(C)=O", "CC(=O)O", "C=O"]}

prediction = {"solvents": ["propanol", "isopropanol", "Propanone", "Ethanoic acid"]}

predictions_as_smiles = {
    "solvents": [name_to_smiles(solvent) for solvent in prediction["solvents"]]

truth_canonical = [canonical_smiles(solvent) for solvent in truth["solvents"]]
predictions_as_smiles_canonical = [
    canonical_smiles(solvent) for solvent in predictions_as_smiles["solvents"]

number_of_values_correct = set(truth_canonical) & set(predictions_as_smiles_canonical)

number_of_values_correct = len(number_of_values_correct)

precision = number_of_values_correct / len(predictions_as_smiles["solvents"])
recall = number_of_values_correct / len(truth["solvents"])
print(f"Recall: {recall:.2f}\nPrecision: {precision:.2f}")
/Users/kevinmaikjablonka/miniconda3/envs/dataextract2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tqdm/auto.py:21: TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_install.html
  from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm
Recall: 0.80
Precision: 1.00 Inorganics#

Also for inorganic materials there is a need for normalization. For example, formulas might be reported in the Hill or IUPAC system, or just as a reduced empirical formula.

from pymatgen.core import Composition

truth = {"inorganics": ["SiC2", "CaCO3", "NaCN", "CO", "HCL"]}

prediction = {"inorganics": ["C2 Si", "C Ca O3", "Na1 C1 N1", "C1 O6"]}

predictions_as_reduced_formula = {
    "inorganics": [
        Composition(inorganic).reduced_formula for inorganic in prediction["inorganics"]

number_of_values_correct = len(
        for inorganic in truth["inorganics"]
        if inorganic in predictions_as_reduced_formula["inorganics"]

precision = number_of_values_correct / len(predictions_as_reduced_formula["inorganics"])
recall = number_of_values_correct / len(truth["inorganics"])
print(f"Recall: {recall:.2f}\nPrecision: {precision:.2f}")
Recall: 0.60
Precision: 0.75